Impact of culture. All articles and links

by | Jun 21, 2023 | 0 comments

The impact of Culture on……….

 Specials, edited by Huib Wursten.

Art, Democracy, Identity, Nation-building, Sports Coaching, Education, Media Literacy, D.E.I., Migration

 All authors and links:


Culture and Art (2021) In: The International Research Journal on Cultural Diplomacy and Innovation_(2021)

Arthur d’ Ansembourg: In search for a philosophy of African art

Huib Wursten: Reflections on Culture, Art and Artists in Contemporary Society.

Jan Vincent Meertens: A Journey to Macondo. Will outside readers ever be truly able to be able to crawl under the skin of the author, challenging their own cultural preconceptions?

Carel Jacobs: The vulnerable human being. A cultural anthropological study on life and work of Vincent van Gogh.

Eric Alexander de Groot: Culture and The Art Market 


Culture and Democracy In cooperation with JIME (Journal for Intercultural Management and Ethics) Issue No. 3/2019.

Berwyn Davies: Brexit and the Joy of Democracy

Stephen I. P. Martin: Culture and Brexit: A Catastrophic Partnership

Huib Wursten: Democracy and the Need for Autonomy  Https://

Anton Carpinschi: The Avatars of Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe. How Could Citizens Strengthen Democratic Integration in the European Union?Https://

Joseph Kessels: Democracy and Lifelong Learning, the Forgotten Sides of the Same Coin

Divya Susan Varkey: The Great Indian Democracy

Fernando Lanzer Pereira de Souza: Democracy in Latin America

Adnan R. Husain Cornelissen, Loes B. Husain-Cornelisse: Of Wise Old Men and Rebellious Youth

Luc Zwaenepoel: Democracy in Africa and Ubuntu


Culture Impact Journal: January 2022. Culture and Identity

Ligia Koijen Ramos: Identity and love

 Eliane Gabbay: Culture and Identity-a personal-reflection

 Anton Carpinschi, Ph.D.: Is the Culture of recognition still possible in the multicultural world of globalization

Daniela Kaneva: Identity in the perspective of so-called Eastern Europe

 Paulo Finuras, Ph.D.: Identity and trust. An evolutionary perspective

 Huib Wursten: Identity and the gravitational influence of Culture

 Huib Wursten: A shared future. A need for broader and more integrative identities

 Brigitte Opel: German culture and identity

 Fernando Lanzer: Identity and Culture. Joining the psychological and anthropological perspective


Culture Impact Journal: June 2022. Culture and Nation-building

 Chris Cartwright, Sultana Parvanta: Nation-Building: Applying Frames of Analysis a Case Study of Afghanistan.

Fernando Lanzer: So, you want to build a nation?

Huib Wursten: Mental images and nation-building.

 Luc Zwaenepoel: Culture and Nation-building in Africa

 Thom Imfeld: The Bani world and nation-building.

 Martin Karaffa: Samaritans and good nations


Culture Impact Journal: September 2022. Culture and sports

-Huib Wursten: The impact of Culture on sports coaching

-Mikael Søndergaard : Invisible cultural diffrences in sports. How do we study-how do we see the invisible cultural values

-Wursten and Finuras : Could national culture influence football referees?

Wim Koevermans: Applying cultural theory to sports coaching.

Jan van Loon: Coaching in the U.K. and Germany

-Kei Hisanaga: Factors contributing to foreign players” success in the JLague. Intervieuws with their interpreters

 Paulo Finuras: Why do men play more sports than women? From the male warrior to the crazy.bastard hypothesis, An evolutionary perspective.

Culture Impact Journal: 2023. Culture and education

Divya Varkey, Masako Kato, Huib Wursten “Educational practices and culture shockEducational practices and culture shock.

Agata Sowinska: “Dao, Li and Dalton education in China” :Dao, Li, and Dalton education in China

Fernando Lanzer: What are the objectives of Education in a challenging diverse world? What are the objectives of education a challenging diverse world?

Lisa DeWaard: Reflections on the state: The public school models of the United States and Russia REFLECTIONS OF THE STATE: THE PUBLIC SCHOOL MODELS OF THE UNITED STATES AND RUSSIA

Jan Vincent Meertens: Gaming in citizenship education Empathy Land and Education

Karina Bagration. Huib Wursten, Education in times of war Education in times of crisis

 Reiko Tashiro: Needs for CQ Education in Japan Absenteeism in Japanese Compulsary Education


Culture Impact Journal:  2023. Culture and Media Literacy

Anton Carpinschi, The Russian-Ukrainian war and media literacy. Thoughts and memories of an East-European

 Amer Bital:  Authority representation as a cultural discourse!

 Fernando Lanzer: Cultural filters and blind spots in media

 Huib Wursten:  Culture and Media Literacy. Truth, BS, and shibboleths.

 Martin Karaffa: True to whom?

 Dr Vedabhyas Kundu: Intertwining Nonviolent Communication in Media and Cultural Literacy programmes

 Dr. Hamid Doost Mohammadian. A Study of Social Cultural Sustainability and Holding a Discussion on the Effect of Information Disorder and Social Engineering on Media.


Culture Impact Journal: 2023. Culture, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Tessa Sutton (USA) & Chris Cartwright (USA)  Connecting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belongingness with Intercultural Competence

 Pia Kähärä (Finland) and Valeria Rodríguez Brondo (UruquayThe Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) paradox.: how can we respect cultural diversity and, at the same time, be in line

Prof. Mette Zølner, (DenmarkWhich insights can alternative perspectives on Diversity management give us?

 Brigitte Opel (Germany, Netherlands) Diversity Equity and Inclusion in an international setting.

Elizabeth A. Tuleja, Ph.D., ACC (USA)  nclusive leadership. Finding solutions through cultural competence.

Fernando Lanzer (Brasil) Managing DEI in Different Cultures

Huib Wursten (NetherlandsDEI and Mental Images. The rules of the game.

Paulo Finuras, PhD (PortugalEvolution and the fear of rejection – why is the need for inclusion a human universal?

 Reiko Tashiro (Japan), Chika Miyamori (Japan) Gender inequality in the Japanese Workplace and the Influence of National Culture


Culture Impact Journal: 2023. Culture and Migration.


Sjaak Pappe: Migrants, a blessing in disguise? A cultural perspective.

Huib Wursten: Culture and immigration, the right to have rights, the problem of dirty hands,and the ethics of responsibility

Fernando Lanzer: Culture and Immigration. When tribes need to share territory 

Philip Sjögren: The Interplay of Culture in Migrational Patterns: A Swedish Perspective

Dr. Luc Zwaenepoel: Cultural congruency and conformity in the African Diaspora

Pernilla Rorso Culture and Migration. The case of Denmark


Culture Impact Journal 2024. Culture and Geopolitics

Prof. Anton Carpinschi: Culture, geopolitics, and captive thinking in Romanian society. Reflections of an Involved Observer

Synopsis: This essay uses an autobiographical narrative and participatory observation to explore the symptoms of thinking enslaved by errors, illusions, and prejudices under and after communism. Also, from a comprehensive reflexive perspective, the connections between geopolitical developments, the psycho-cultural profile of Romanian society, and the phenomenon of captive thinking are explored. Thus, at the meeting of the participatory observation with the comprehensive reflection, the reflections of the participant observer were born, an observer always aware of the precarious condition of the prisoner of captive thinking.

For full text, see:

Huib Wursten: Culture and Geo-politics. Are we diverging?

Synopsis: The combination of global warming, CO2, and immigration cannot wait to be solved. The polarization of countries is undermining the will to develop joint efforts. The real existing differences need a framing that creates room for the acceptance of diversity in approaches. The worst thing that can happen is if a wrong framing creates more tension.

For full text, see:

Walter Jahn: India’s balancing act in Geopolitics seen through the Mirror of India’s National cultural values.                                                                

Synopsis: India is praised as the biggest democracy. The electorate has repeatedly shown to change political power holders at the national and federal state level. This is remarkable considering that Indian national culture shows a strong deference to power holders.

Internationally, India traditionally tries to keep equidistance to most influential countries, be they democracies or autocracies, seeing itself as a “soft power” upholding international law for maintaining peace. Hence, no surprise for India’s 2023 G20 presidency theme “One Earth, One Family, One Future”. Yet, the Indian Government has not condemned or criticized Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. How does the Indian Government communicate this apparent contradiction?

Domestically, constitutional principles are under strain. A populist Hindu nationalist Government presides over discriminatory policies and a rise in persecution affecting the Muslim population. The constitution guarantees civil liberties, but harassment of journalists, NGOs, and other government critics has increased significantly under PM Modi reports this year’s “Freedom in the World Report”.

There are apparent contractions, and they may find an explanation in the cultural values of the country and the corresponding artful mode of communication of the power holders. Elaborating on this issue is the subject of this paper.

For full text:

Fernando Lanzer: Geopolitics and Culture: What Is Driving the Power Games?

Synopsis: Geopolitics is all about nations trying to impose their world views and values upon others, in the firm belief that this will ensure their own survival in the short term and sustainability in the long term. In order to understand the playing field, we must come to know what the underlying values of the relevant global players are, how they affect the way the power games are played and how that all this affects us, the pawns in the planetary chess game. This paper will propose a values framework that might shed some light on what is driving the relevant players’ behavior and what can be expected to happen in the near future.

For full text:

Amer Bitar: Narrating Change: Cinema’s Role in the Cultural Discourse during the Arab Spring. 

Synopsis: The Middle East’s recent history, marked by the Arab Spring, presents a rich tapestry of socio-political transformations. Yet, an essential, often overlooked aspect of this period is the role of cinema, both as a reflection of and an influence on these profound changes. This article ventures into the heart of this dynamic, investigating how the cinematic landscape has interwoven with national cultural contexts across the Middle East during this pivotal era. Through an exploration of diverse films from various Middle Eastern nations, this study unveils how cinema has not merely mirrored society’s ambitions and dissent but has been intrinsically tied to the cultural ethos of each nation. Filmmakers, often working within or against traditional cultural frameworks, have crafted narratives that resonate deeply with local sensibilities while also touching on universal themes of revolution, freedom, and identity. By analyzing thematic motifs, narrative structures, and cinematic techniques, this article delves into the intricate ways films have integrated or challenged cultural norms and how these artistic choices communicate subtle and overt political messages. It underscores cinema’s potency in shaping perceptions of both domestic and global audiences, bridging cultural gaps, and providing a multifaceted perspective on the Middle East’s geopolitical transformations against a backdrop of deeply rooted traditions and beliefs.

For full text:

Dr. Luc ZwaenepoelThe cultures of geopolitics in Africa.

Synopsis: This essay will research the shape of geopolitics in Africa over many decades. The evolution of colonial geopolitics (occupation) towards the ideas of equal partnership based on budget support and funding

For full text:

Prof. Hamid Doost:  A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Culture, Geopolitical Developments, Power Dynamics, and Influence in the Context of the New World Order: A 5th Wave Theory Framework Analysis of 7 Mental Images.

Synopsis: A nuanced understanding of the underlying mechanisms at work becomes imperative in the 21st century, characterized by rapid transformations and the realignment of power structures. This study explores how the 5th Wave Theory framework, a concept acknowledging the historical evolution of human societies through waves of innovation, correlates with the concept of “7 Mental Images,” which encapsulate the cognitive and cultural dimensions of societies. The study posits that comprehending the shifting preferences of individuals and the growing demand for sustainability is pivotal for shaping the future world order.

For full text:

Marlond M. Antunez: China’s Today in the Geopolitical Arena.

Synopsis: In this article, the author will argue that China’s actual geopolitical position results from a combination of historical factors, economic reforms, spiritual paths, and global integration. The historical roots and main events that shaped the Chinese mind will be explored; their political configuration, Chinese capitalism, and their social behavior will be explained; and at last, a conclusion will be drafted with a big question: Has China achieved its expansion peak, or we should expect for more?

For full text:


Culture Impact Journal 2024. Culture and cross-cultural psychology

Editorial: Huib Wursten editorial-cross-cultural-psychology/

Shannon Murphy:  Neuroscience of inclusion: New skills for New Times.

Our brain is not wired for inclusion, no matter how well-intentioned one may be. The brain needs help to engage across cultures and differences effectively. It’s a paradox that the very hallmarks of the best of humanity, such as the ability to demonstrate kindness, compassion, care, understanding, open-mindedness, and empathy, are not always easily engaged across differences.

For the full article:  Neuroscience-of-inclusion-new-skills-for-new-times/      

Tatyana Fertelmeyster and Thorunn Bjarnadottir: Mothering away from a Motherland.

This article has been long in the making. We – Tatyana and Thorunn – two women from entirely different cultural backgrounds, from Russia and Iceland, with different reasons for and experiences of cultural transitions and navigating very different family dynamics- celebrate 25 years of our friendship in 2024. We invited about 20 women with very diverse cultural backgrounds and lived experiences to offer their collective wisdom to those who navigate different cultures while parenting or navigate parenting while mastering cultural nuances.

For the full article: mothering-away-from-the-motherland/


Jussara N. Pereira de Souza: Country Culture & Personality: What comes first?

A frequent question is what influences an individual more: her/his culture or her/his unique physical and psychological features.

The author dealt with this question in practice, especially when assessing people for different job positions in European countries, where the specific requirements of the work, in terms of competencies and abilities, should be combined with being able to deal with diverse cultural backgrounds.

This paper shares the author’s experience in an intercultural assessment center. Personality and culture were the bases from which to understand that unique person in front of you, leading to ideas as indications of possible future performance. The paper explores the diverse perspectives on these kinds of processes and how to ensure accuracy and fairness.

For the full article: Country-culture-personality-what-comes-first/


Huib Wursten: Cross-cultural psychology. Some observations

After 34 years of consultancy for top Fortune companies and international organizations, one big question still puzzles me: Why is this body of knowledge in what I prefer to call “Intercultural Management” not taken more seriously by major policymakers?

Why do Governments seldomly invite experts in this field to explain how the values we can identify play a decisive role in how democracy is defined, in the set-up of societal institutions, in economic priority setting, taxing policies, immigration, welfare, etc.?

This paper formulates possible reasons why the accumulated knowledge in this field does not always receive the attention it deserves.

For the full article: Cross-cultural-psychology-some-observations/


Fernando Lanzer:  Culture and Psychoanalysis: What Freud and Jung missed

Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung were the founding fathers of psychoanalysis and have influenced generations of psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists worldwide to this day. This paper explores the fact that they were oblivious to cultural differences, treating culture as if it were a universal phenomenon rather than having differentiating characteristics. Being oblivious to such differences also means they were unaware of how their unique cultures influenced their upbringing, professional development, and even their own thinking about culture. Knowing what we know today about culture allows us to examine psychoanalysis in a different light and better understand how it was created and developed to become what it is in the 21st Century.

For the full article: Culture-and-psychology-what-freud-and-jung-missed/


Christina Röttgers:  Responsibility in relation to individual, group and global concerns. A philosophical view.

Feeling overwhelmed and guilty: in the face of recent and ongoing catastrophes and crises, people in privileged countries feel increasingly challenged by a call for responsibility as much as a feeling of helplessness. This paper reflects on the meaning of responsibility in relation to the different societal levels – the individual, the group and the global one – and offers a few practical ways to deal with the dilemma. In addition, it might serve the intercultural practitioner to shed a multidisciplinary light on much-strained terms.

For the full article: How-to-take-responsibility-in-todays-world/










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