Mr. Eric Alexander de Groot lives in District 6 in the State of Georgia, USA.

There are 14 Districts (*) and Georgia has 14 U.S. representatives in Congress in Washington DC. There are a total of 435 Districts in the USA. Mr. de Groot has been active politically for many years and at one point also considered running for District 6. The main reason to ‘run’ being the divisiveness of politics in the United States of America and making a difference as a more independent and moderate voice.

De Groot was born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, though has lived in the USA for almost 4 decades and is known as a proud American. The Georgia Legislature recognized him with House Resolution HR211:  NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend Mr. Eric Alexander de Groot on his contributions on behalf of industry, trade, and tourism and recognize him as an international liaison to the State of Georgia. (**)

There are a number of important organizations actively trying to unite and not divide. Especially in Congress there is less and less bipartisanship resulting in a ‘Winner Take All’ mentality post elections vs. doing the business of the American public. As the US Constitution states: We The People ….. (***)

No Labels is one of those organizations and Eric has been involved in No Labels since 2012.

No Labels is an American political organization whose proclaimed mission is to combat partisan dysfunction in politics and build a bi-partisan governing coalition.

No Labels has been successful in engaging Members of Congress in both the House of Representatives (435 seats) and The Senate (100 seats) to show more civility towards each other and apply a Country before Party and Politics approach and mentality.

This has resulted in The Problem Solvers Caucus (PSC) in the House of Representatives that has grown by the end of 2021 to 56 members. (28 Republicans and 28 Democrats) The PSC members have made significant contributions and have had many legislative successes including recent Bills that affect the US economy and all its citizens. (****)

Culture-Impact is actively reaching out to key member personnel in the No Labels organization to be contributors to The Culture-Impact Journal. It is also our hope that Members of Congress will write a blog or article for Culture-Impact.

Thus, we come full circle in terms of the importance of culture and how, collectively, we can make a difference. It is the hope of the editors as well as advisory board to have considerable impact on the state of affairs in the US, the US government, and all governments worldwide to understand that united we stand and divided we fall.      

Culture-Impact is also in touch with other US organizations who are working hard ‘across the aisle’.




The size of a state’s population decides how many representatives it has. Georgia has 14 U.S. representatives. This number is determined by the Georgia General Assembly, as it’s their job to assess and redraw the lines for our congressional districts every 10 years using population data from the U.S. Census count. (Wikipedia)




“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”


The Problem Solvers Caucus is a bipartisan group in the United States House of Representatives that includes 58 members, equally divided between Democrats and Republicans, who seek to foster bipartisan cooperation on key policy issues. https://problemsolverscaucus.house.gov/


