MAP-Declaration, June 2005

by | Apr 5, 2024 | 0 comments

ANNEX 2 MAP-Declaration, June 2005


From 1 to 3 June 2005, local authorities from around the world have gathered, in The Hague, The Netherlands for the Conference “Municipal Alliance for Peace in the Middle East”, organised by the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG), to explore possible joint actions to contribute to just and lasting peace in the Middle East. Following the deliberations of the conference, we have agreed to the following declaration, that is initiated by the Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA) and the Union of Local Authorities of Israel (ULAI), and supported by the political leaders of the participating local authorities and their representative organisations:

Considering the long history of dialogue between the Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA) and the Union of Local Authorities of Israel (ULAI), particularly within the international arena under the umbrella of the UCLG, (United Cities and Local Governments),

Following the outcome of joint working meetings between senior representatives of APLA and ULAI together with the world organisations that preceded the UCLG (i.e. IULA and FMCU), during the joint IULA/FMCU meeting in Guadalajara, Mexico, in June 2002, that agreed to organise a joint international local government conference,

In pursuit of the subsequent discussions and understandings reached in Rome, Athens, Thessaloniki and The Hague,

Strongly condemning all acts of terror and violence that continue to be inflicted on the Palestinian and Israeli citizens,

We, as local political leaders and representative organisations of local authorities, feel obliged to act on the increasingly louder calls from Palestinian and Israeli citizens to pro- actively work towards ending the conflict on the basis of implementation of the international resolutions in which the Palestinian and Israeli citizens can live side by side in two independent states, Palestine and Israel, in security, peace and prosperity. The only manner to achieve this, is through mutual dialogue and cooperation, whereby the Palestinian and Israeli local authorities, supported by their international partners, are to work as partners in order to build trust and overcome problems on the ground.

We call upon the Palestinian and Israeli national leaderships to intensify their constructive dialogue and to effectively address the problems that stand in the way of just and lasting peace. Particularly in view of the renewed peace talks at national level, it is our duty to work with our citizens towards increased mutual understanding, trust and cooperation, as an essential basis for lasting peace in the region.

It is in this context, we have agreed to start on-the-ground cooperation through joint projects in Palestinian, Israeli and international partner municipalities, that are aimed at promoting lasting peace in the region. To support this trilateral cooperation, APLA, ULAI and the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) will establish, in close cooperation with the European Network of Local Authorities for Peace in the Middle East, the Central Union of Local Authorities in Greece, the Union of Cyprus Municipalities, and other relevant partners, the ‘Municipal Alliance for Peace’, or MAP. United Cities and Local Government, as the world organisation of local governments in the world, regards MAP as an important initiative to achieve its ambitions in the field of city diplomacy, and fully support the alliance. The Municipal Alliance for Peace aims to mobilise support from municipalities around the world, as well as support from the international donor community for these initiatives and provide hands-on support to the municipal trilateral cooperation. For the establishment of MAP, a cooperation outline, along with a local action plan has been agreed upon during the conference. To be able to realize the ambitions of MAP and ensure implementation of its local action plan, we support the establishment of a joint international secretariat of MAP in the region.

We call upon local governments worldwide and the international community to support this initiative and join the Municipal Alliance for Peace, to allow us to achieve our ambitions to increase mutual understanding, cooperation and improve the daily life of citizens in Israeli and Palestinian municipalities.


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