Defining Culture – Impacting Our World
Special Editions
Edited by Huib Wursten
Huib Wursten,
Eric Alexander DeGroot,
Table of content Culture and Education:
Editorial : Huib Wursten
Editorial Culture and Education
According to Google Scholar, the most cited article of all the papers I wrote about the influence of culture on societal issues is The impact of culture on Education. Can we introduce best practices in Education across countries? http
In this paper, published in 2013, the outcome of ranking countries on the quality of Education was explored. In particular, a report, “The Learning Curve” (2013), published by The Economist Magazine’s Intelligence Unit. In this report, an attempt was made to look for “best practices” – approaches that systematically lead to higher quality education, thereby enabling policymakers and practitioners in other countries to “copy and paste” and work towards educational reforms that have proven effective in raising educational achievement in some countries. The surprising conclusion from this report, however, is that almost no practices were found that could be implemented globally.
Because ideas about Education are constantly evolving, it seemed a good idea to come back to this theme nine years later and ask experienced authors to look at culture and Education again
Divya Varkey, Masako Kato, Huib Wursten: “Educational practices and culture shock”
Abstract: Education is culturally very sensitive. What “works” in one culture might be seen as negative in some other cultures. This paper describes and analyzes the cultural experiences of expat parents from different cultures, primarily of the Indian and Japanese authors of this paper, sending their kids to schools in The Netherlands.
For the full article, click here:
Agata Sowinska: “Dao, Li and Dalton education in China”
Abstract: Mark Clark (Clark M., 2004) once stated that `the modern society is in a deep crisis. Not only moral, spiritual but also aesthetic’. Therefore, there is a need to show the essence of alternative Education in a modern, constantly changing world. The following article takes an an attempt to show the essence of the Dalton Plan as an educational concept for children and teachers to undertake independent, creative, searching, innovative activities that contribute to children’s interests, learning styles and personalities in China.
For the full article, click here:…ucation-in-china/
Fernando Lanzer: What are the objectives of Education in a challenging diverse world?
Abstract: The objectives of Education have been described differently in different cultures by many educators and policy makers. However, often, this has been done without an awareness of the underlying cultural values that support and influence these written concepts.
This paper will examine the formulation of educational objectives and make explicit the respective links to the underlying core values of their cultures, using Huib Wursten’s Mental Images as a reference framework. It will subsequently outline the need for a more comprehensive enunciation of educational objectives that can consider core culture value differences and still offer functional effectiveness across cultures in a challenging diverse world.
For the full article, click here
Lisa DeWaard: Refections on the state: The public school models of the United States and Russia
Abstract: This paper examines two very different public schooling systems: The U.S. system and the Russian system. An overview of the historical and political contexts that were at work when each was designed is included. While both systems have changed over time, the founding principles guiding them remain largely the same. A thorough analysis of each approach using the Hofstede Six Dimensions of National Culture for each country reveals a strong resemblance between the underlying values of each nation and its corresponding educational system. Strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches are provided and expected outcomes are analyzed. The rather recent development of private schools in Russia since the revolution in 1991 demonstrates a desire on the part of some Russian parents for some deviation from the previous Soviet model; however, although quite popular, private schools are still quite few. Finally, recommendations for teachers working across these two environments are provided.
For the full article, click here
Jan Vincent Meertens: Gaming in citizenship education
Abstract: As of 2006, Dutch primary, secondary and special education schools have the legal assignment to pay attention to culture and offer citizenship classes. Through this offer, students receive lessons about the fact that the Netherlands has become a country with much diversity. The core focus is on the Dutch state structure and the democratic institutions of freedom, equality, and solidarity. Attention is also paid to cultural competence. Shedding light on the history of current diversity and future diversity expectations can prepare students to be the citizens that the future will require. This article explores the use of gaming in enhancing intercultural awareness games for young students, ages 8 to 12. It will discuss the process of awareness creation through 5 components: Knowledge, attitude, skill, reflection and behaviour. The core of the article will review the inception and development of Empathy Land, how it can contribute to citizenship education and how its impact can be possibly measured. Empathy Land is a game developed by the Connect2Us foundation that focuses on helping children ultimately understand what we have in common and that our differences create opportunities to strengthen the fabric of our society. The article will use the Dutch culture as the context within which I will explore the subject.
For the full article, click here
Karina Bagration. Huib Wursten, Education in times of war
Abstract: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is displacing millions of people, most of them women and children More than two-thirds of children in Ukraine have been displaced from their homes since the start of the conflict, leading to significant interruptions to regular schooling. Education organization Osvitoria estimates that approximately 5.7 million school-age children in Ukraine are impacted by the conflict. It comes after two years of Covid. Ukraine refugee numbers are estimated to be more than 6 million
In the midst of conflict, Education continues. Political insecurity in Ukraine however has extended the disruptions to Education due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, schools in the country have moved back online. This paper will look at the implications.
For the full article, click here:
Chika Miyamori and Reiko Tashiro: Needs for CQ Education in Japan
Abstract: A 2022 survey by Japan’s MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) found that approximately 10,000 out of 133,310 non-Japanese children living in the country of an age where Education is compulsory are either not attending or are likely not attending school. Even though this number has halved since the last survey in 2019, it indicates that insufficient educational opportunities are available for some foreign children. Compulsory Education does not apply to non-Japanese children in Japan. Still, MEXT is requesting that each local board of Education ensures there are opportunities for those children to attend school based on international covenants on human rights. The article will pursue why it occurs in Japan from national culture perspectives and argues the necessity of cultural intelligence (CQ) education in the country
Huib Wursten,
Eric Alexander DeGroot,