by | Nov 13, 2023 | 0 comments


Drs. Huib Wursten
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Eric Alexander de Groot
Atlanta, Georgia, USA


Anton Carpinschi
Ph.D. Romania. Professor Emeritus „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Romania

Hamid Doost Mohammadian
Germany, Professor for International Sustainability & Senior Futurist at University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Theoretician of the 5th Wave Theory, Author, Keynote Speaker & Consultant, Germany.

Erika Visser
Australia Director, Operational Excellence at CSI Medical Research Pte Ltd. Editor of The 7 Menta Images of National Culture.

Fernando Lanzer Pereira de Souza
CEO of LCO Partners BV Brasil/Netherlands. Author of several books on Culture and an independent consultant working for clients in different parts of the world.

Chika Miyamori
Japan Culture expert

Sjaak Pappe
Netherlands Expert in Innovation and Culture Management..

Wim Koevermans
Dutch Deputy Technical Director / Head of Coach Education at The Asian Football Confederation (AFC).

Basic mission:

At a Nexus web conference in March 2021, giants like Hariri, Kahneman, and Thomas Friedman gave a picture of what is going on in the world and what they expect the future to be. Hariri eloquently elaborated on how history is about storytelling. Not just about the past but also about the present and the future. For him, storytelling is about giving meaning to the bits of information we all get every second.

Friedman was picturing how trends like globalization, digitalization, and the climate and energy transition are accelerating and deepening. It affects us too deep in our brains. Including the way algorithms are influencing our preferences and opinions by the way, they make use of big data. Friedman said that we have to tackle these urgent global problems through complex, adaptive coalitions.

Kahneman was rather reluctant to make sweeping statements. He said simply: but there is no we.

This is the heart of the problem. If there were an elected world government, all the problems could be tackled from one point of view. However, there is not such a centralized decision-making unit.

What we see is fragmentation and polarization between “Identity groups” originating from cultural and religious “clans”. Some of them feel neglected in liberal open democracies where the rule of law prioritises equal treatment. The need to be seen and recognized is, of course, a precondition to living in peace with each other. But parallel to this struggle, there is also an urgent call not to forget that there is a need to look into the future and solve the accelerating and deepening global problems. We are in this together.


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