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Culture, complexity, and the rule of hammer

Culture, complexity, and the rule of hammer blog by Huib Wursten and Fernando Lanzer It’s sometimes annoying, but new examples of cultural issues are constantly conveyed by reading the daily newspapers, watching television news, or scrutinizing messages on social...

Three dead Germans

Three dead Germans

Three dead Germans. And a living one.  Ideas about effective, sustainable actions By Huib Wursten & Fernando Lanzer The conclusion of a previous blog was that despite the different values and ways of thinking all over the world, there is a need for all of...

Culture and Football

Culture and football Blog by Huib Wursten You may have noticed that the European Championship football is happening right now. It is difficult to escape the news in the media. For many people. this is the most important sideshow in their lives.  Because of the...

Social cohesion and social engineering

Social cohesion and social engineering Huib Wursten and Fernando Lanzer Introduction Lee Hockstader , a columnist of The Washington Post, recently ( July 1, 2024) wrote: “Denmark’s model: Send in the bulldozers.” He explains: “One of the world’s richest, most placable...

Seven different Worldviews. Are we sleepwalking into war?

Seven different Worldviews. Are we sleepwalking into war?

Culture Impact Journal Blog Seven different Worldviews. Are we sleepwalking into war? I recently discussed the seven worldviews ( ) and their impact on human thinking and behavior with an Eastern European...

Individualism and economic theory

Individualism and economic theory

Blog by Huib Wursten           Individualism and economic theory Introduction: It happened again! In a discussion in New York among members of an informal think tank, I was again confronted with the idea that while we were using the same word, Individualism, we did...

The way we use time in human interactions.

The way we use time in human interactions: how culture affects the path to intimacy. By Huib Wursten & Fernando Lanzer Eric Berne gave the world Transactional Analysis, an attempt to bring Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis to the masses. It remains the most...

Culture Utopia/Dystopia and Incrementalism

Culture Utopia/Dystopia and Incrementalism

Culture Impact Journal Blog Culture, Utopia/Dystopia and Incrementalism.  This week, my old friend Hans Achterhuis was interviewed by the Volkskrant, a Dutch “quality” newspaper. Hans was asked to reflect on his career as a prominent Dutch philosopher and how his...

New World Disorder

New World Disorder On the collapse of the international order formed after the end of World War II and the risks of a major global conflict 29.04.2024 /  Grigory Yavlinsky DISINTEGRATION PROCESSES International political developments today show that the...
