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Managing people in different kinds of cultures.

An overview: Human Resources and managing people in different kinds of cultures. By Fernando Lanzer and Huib Wursten The Human Resources function in any organization is responsible for ensuring that there are qualified and motivated people capable of working towards...

Seven Worldviews: political and economic consequences

The seven Worldviews and some political and economic consequences. Blog by Huib Wursten and Fernando Lanzer. From “ the end of history” to seven Worldviews  In his book, The End of History and the Last Man, Francis Fukuyama argued that with the...

Blog: The Seven Worldviews and Downward Causation

Blog: The Seven Worldviews and Downward Causation

Blog: The Seven Worldviews and Downward Causation By Huib Wursten and Fernando Lanzer Cultural values, the preferred values that guide a society, profoundly influence individual and collective behaviors. The Seven Worldviews cover different combinations of...

Cultural values and relativism

Cultural values and relativism Blog by Huib Wursten and Fernando Lanzer An intriguing quote is attributed to the Polish philosopher Leszek Kołakowski: "All cultures are equal. But the culture that is formulating that is of a higher level."   It is a...

Culture and the issue of “Best Practices”

Culture and the Issue of “Best Practices” Blog by Huib Wursten and Fernando Lanzer In the previous blog, we described downward causation, the way necessary new policies and actions are derived from the existing Seven Worldviews and their preferred “rules of the game.”...

Culture, basic emotions and self-control

Culture, basic emotions and self-control Blog by Huib Wursten and Fernando Lanzer Norbert Elias, in his book The Civilizing Process, described the process of civilization in terms of the development of self-control. The higher the level of civilization, the higher the...

Blog. Worldviews, Vuca, Bani and change management

Blog  Worldviews, Vuca, Bani and change management By Huib Wursten and Fernando Lanzer Now and then, a remark made by our clients is that “the world is too dynamic for cultural explanations”.They say: “Cultural explanations are too static in a rapidly changing...

Culture, complexity, and the rule of hammer

Culture, complexity, and the rule of hammer blog by Huib Wursten and Fernando Lanzer It’s sometimes annoying, but new examples of cultural issues are constantly conveyed by reading the daily newspapers, watching television news, or scrutinizing messages on social...
